Have you ever met someone who just always seems lucky? The person who blinks or snaps his fingers and miraculously has everything he wants in his life and business. You know, the person that just seems to have it ALL?  Yes, that’s one, the person who just flashed in your mind. That’s whom we are talking about.

So what does this person do that enables him to achieve his goals and create a life that 98% of the world can only dream of?  There is a secret. Well, actually it’s not really a secret at all. People who live the life of their dreams just followed the step-by-step proven formula for success that works. They harness the 80% power within all of us that remains dormant in most others.  Yes, if you haven’t guessed it yet, they harness the power of their mind.

When I was in college, I enjoyed running track. Sometimes I would win, sometimes I would lose and I started to wonder, “What is the key to winning?” So one day, I decided to go to the library and read more about top athletes to discover the secret to their success. I picked up a book that talked about Eastern European athletes. It explained how they used the power of visualization to achieve greater results. I was fascinated and intrigued. How could someone “train” to win by simply thinking about it? I devoured several books on the subject and started to test it out for myself.

I began visualizing my own races. In my mind, I ran and re-ran the race the night before and again on race day. It was so real!  I could hear the gunfire, the out of the blocks running down the track. I could see the seconds tick off the stopwatch. I saw ahead every hurdle as it approached and then easily cleared the hurdles and perfected my form, shaving precious fractions of a second off the clock as my mind raced through the event–feeling, seeing, and experiencing every nuance of the race as if it was actually occurring.

So what was the result of all this mind training? It was amazing! I would finish every race within fractions of a second of what I had visualized and mentally recorded in my pre-race rehearsals.

What does this show? The mind is a powerful tool – more powerful than most of us give it credit. Are you using this most powerful tool to your advantage? Are you ‘training’ in your mind to win every day or are you one of the many people who actually prepare themselves by programming their mind to fail?

Harnessing your mind for success is the first step on the path to extreme success in your business during this new economy. Unless you address your mindset, belief and commitment first, you won’t successfully implement one single proven strategy that we talk about.

Does this sound a bit harsh? Good!

Which do you prefer? An easy coach who sugarcoats things and bring you to a land of milk and honey that will quickly disappear? Or would you prefer a coach that sits you down for a delicious seven course meal of proven strategies that will have you bursting at the seams with ready-to-buy customers and profits, as well as the added benefit of showing you how to digest and implement all of the strategies?

Here’s the bottom line: No matter how great these marketing strategies are, you will not see profits unless you are ready, willing, and able to get your head in the game and take the direct, committed, and consistent efforts that only the most successful take. You must be prepared to do what the 2% uber-successful entrepreneurs do.  The kind of success we are talking about requires guts, boldness, the ability to move rapidly, and the willingness to change your approach so that you create a tsunami of clients and prospects that want to do business with you.

By the way, if you are ready to monetize your business more effectively and accelerate your business results, let’s connect. (Make the lets connect a hyperlink to a discovery page in a new tab) I know we can help.

david asarnow


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